What It’s Like to Use a Car Wheelchair Ramp – Car Talk Podcast


If you have a friend who are wheelchair users, it’s likely that you’ve thought about the possibility of purchasing the car-mounted wheelchair platform. It’s a challenging yet necessary step that allows the wheelchair to move about in the vehicle. You don’t want to have lifting a wheelchair in order to allow you to drive. In fact, even unoccupied wheelchairs can weigh upwards of 250 pounds, dependent on their build. If you’ve seen car ramps for wheelchairs these could be a good affordable alternative.

They are useful, but they have their downsides. They are a risk for normal people to take them apart the ramps and then put them back together. A few of them might not fit through some doors of vans. If the person who is who is in a wheelchair makes it to the door, they’ll be required to stoop an unreasonable amount before they can get inside.

Automated platforms for car wheelchairs can be more beneficial. They will be lower themselves, with no hand-work required by either your companions or family. The platform can be installed inside a wheelchair van, if one is in a position to use the ramp.